Saturday 10 April 2010


 Galapagos Islands were formed from volcanic eruptions some 5 million years ago.
What makes them unique from other islands is the fact that they were formed far from the solid ground.
The ancestors of all the animals and plants that today live on Galapagos must at one time came to the isolated islands by the sea.

Birds by flying, others floated on trunks of the trees, some seeds would came to Galapagos inside animal's stomach.
All of them had to cross over 900 kilometres distance from Central America, and survived only the strongest of them.
With the time the same species living in different conditions on separated islands developed slightly different features, giving to Darwin
who came here in 1835 the solid base for his Theory of Evolution'.

In the environment without any predators many of animals are completely fearless of human, allowing to step though nesting places, watch the pups moving
sharing the space with other species.
The islands today have protected status of national park with few human inhabitants, and restrictions to move between.

The only possibility to see the islands is by boat, usually the cruise, which is not cheap, but all the restrictions are aimed to help with protection of Galapagos wildlife.
During the several days long cruise the visitors have plenty of possibilities to walk on the isles, snorkel or dive in clear reef waters, and of course to make friends with animals.
Probably the most popular is the symbol of Galapagos, a Giant Tortoise, which can be seen in Reservoir on Santa Cruz Island.
Lava lizards especially like Espanola, marine Iguanas at Punta Espinosa, Boobies on Seymour, and Sea Lions simply... everywhere.

1 comment:

Zuri said...

The Galapagos Islands are the most incredible living museum of evolutionary changes, with a huge variety of exotic species (birds, land and sea animals, plants) and landscapes not seen anywhere else.

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